Intel's Latest Extreme CPUs Launch - Haswell-E
X99 Motherboards with Socket 2011-3 Now Available
For any early adopters, know first off that these are not native CPUs yet. We'll have to wait on official kernel support from Apple when the Mac Pro is speed-bumped. Probably later this year or early next.
Haswell E CPUs include the 6 core i7-5820K and i7-5930K, and the 8 core i7-5960K. This necessitates a special workaround for TSC, as described in the following post on x79. 6 and 8 core CPUs need a special kext called VoodooTSCSync by Cosmosis Jones of VoodooProjects.
Gigabyte GA-X79S-UP5 Mavericks Guide
Also, Haswell E isn't in the kernel yet- the cpu-id needs to be added to the source and rebuilt. This is tricky- describedhere. I've done the edit, and recompiled it below.
1. Add VoodooTSCSync.kext (6 core or 8 core) in /Extra/Extensions on the UniBeast stick. This kext
2. Replace /mach_kernel on UniBeast USB with patched version.
3. Install as described in UniBeast Guide
The patched kernel needs to be placed on the fresh installation immediately following install.
4. Reboot using UniBeast USB back to OS X Installer,
5. Open Utilities/Terminal
6. Copy /Volumes/USB/mach_kernel to your new /Volumes/Mavericks/ root as follows
Assuming your installation drive is called "Mavericks" enter the following code:
cp /mach_kernel /Volumes/Mavericks/
7. Reboot from UniBeast USB, and select Mavericks. Then complete setup procedure.
Post Installation
8. Run MultiBeast with your system's default spec
9. Install VoodooTSCSync.kext (6 core or 8 core) using MultiBeast.
10. Replace /mach_kernel with patched version.
11. Add npci=0x2000 to kernel flags in /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist
Original xnu-2422.110.17 Source:
Source Changes:
X99 Motherboards with Socket 2011-3 Now Available
If you want to contact RDT please feel free to call between the hours of 9am-8pm AEST. Ph: 0426279566 or visit
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