Monday 13 October 2014

Futuremark launches world’s first 4K ‘Ultra HD’ benchmark

The buzz around 4K gaming has been growing fast this year, with many enthusiasts adopting new monitors as they come down in price but until now, there hadn’t been an Ultra HD benchmarking tool available. Futuremark has officially released Fire Strike Ultra, the world’s first 4K benchmark, which is now available to use in the latest version of 3DMark.
Fire Strike Ultra renders the test content at 3840×2160 before scaling the output to your PC’s resolution, making it possible to test your current hardware performance before deciding to adopt a 4K screen. To run this benchmark, you will need a GPU with at least 3GB of VRAM.
Fire Stike Ultra e1413210417720 Futuremark launches worlds first 4K Ultra HD benchmark
Fire Strike Ultra Processing Futuremark launches worlds first 4K Ultra HD benchmark
Average amount of processing performed per frame.
While it was already possible to run tests at 4K with custom settings in 3DMark, this dedicated test will provide a common reference point for enthusiasts looking to compare results. Fire Strike Ultra is a demanding test, in order to run the second graphics test at a steady 60 frames per second at 4K, your PC will need to process 66 billion pixels per second, requiring a monstrous amount of power.

To coincide with the launch of this new graphics test, a Fire Strike Ultra leaderboard has gone live in the Futuremark Hall of Fame. Fire Strike Ultra is now available in the latest versions of 3DMark Advanced Edition and 3D Mark Professional Edition. The Steam version of the benchmark will update automatically.
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